Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The main makers

     Good morning!, Hello!, Good evening! everyone!! I'm writing about cars now. Do you know? If you didn't read this blog, please today blog. If you will enjoy by reading this blog, I will be happy!! Please read! So...Let's go!!
     I wrote about license of cars in last week. If you read it, you can understand how to start to drive cars. But you need not only driving skill but also cars, as such, to drive cars. We, however, can't make cars personally. We have to buy or rent cars. So these cars is made by so many companies now. For example, TOYOTA, MAZDA, GM, BMW and Ferrari so more and more. Such as maker of cars distributes around of the world now.

    At first, I will introduce about more famous makers of cars in all makers.
    1, TOYOTA
I think that no Japanese didn't hear the name of TOYOTA. I think this maker is the most famous maker in Japan. And the amount of sale cars by TOYOTA is No.1 in the world at 2008. Cars of this makers is called that the chance of trouble is so few. So the credit by user is so high.

    2, MAZDA
This maker is a little minor in Japan, comparing with TOYOTA. Because this maker urge the importation of cars to foreign countries now. So cars of MAZDA is more popular in west, comparing other Japanese maker. And Cars of MAZDA is called that rides well or driving is so easy.

   3, GM (General Motors)
This maker is so big maker of cars as well as TOYOTA. The history of it is older than TOYOTA and the scale of cars is bigger than TOYOTA. It is American maker but The market is so vast (China, Brazil, Germany, Italy, Canada, UK)

    4, BMW
    BMW is Germany companies of cars. This maker is good at making cars that like a sports car. And this maker supplys some engines and racing cars for motor sports. So this maker's cars is popular buy adulty men in Japan, too.

Next, I will introduced some makers that a little minor car makers comparing with major makers until now.

    5, ISUZU
    いすゞ自動車     ISUZU is Japanese car maker. This maker is good at making heavy industrial machines comparing with other makers. For example, dump car, track, shovel car, crane and road rollar. If you visit to construction site, you will be able to see cars of ISUZU.

    6, HYUNDAI
ファイル:Hyundai logo.svg

    HYUNDAI is Korean car maker. I think no people heard this maker name until now. I didn't hear about this maker until I studyed about minor maker in this time. But this maker has good skill. For  example, this maker's cars has good prise in some racing. But this maker has many injustice until now. However, many good bus is seld now.

    How did you think about  this blog? Do you understand many makers not only major but also minor? If you are interested in car maker, it is good that you study about it. I can't introduced it all.
    So in next week, my blogging is last. I will write and study about future of the car. Please read it. Good-by to next week.

The future of cars

    Good morning!, Hello!, Good evening! everyone!! I'm writing about cars now. Do you know? If you didn't read this blog, please today blog. If you will enjoy by reading this blog, I will be happy!! Please read! And today's blog is my final blog. So let's go!!
    I wrote about the past and present age of cars from 1st week to 9th week. And especially I wrote about the main maker of cars in last week. So if you read my blog in last week, you will be able to understand a little about maker's present time. But some makers are evaluating each cars now, too. And if you read my blog in 8th week, you will be able to understand about problems of cars in present time. So many makers tries to improve it. I will introduce each of it from now.

    1, electrical cars
    I introdced about electrical car in 8th week. But this technology is evolving now. So I didn't introduce all of it. And I will introduce about the present time of electrical car.
    First, electrical car is run by electricity. So this is not discharge harmful gass that corse air polluting and global warming. And this car technology is need for the future of the earth.
    Next, elctrical car's technology is extreamly evolving now. The newest electrical car can charge electrical energy by electric socket on your home. And the electric energy of this car can use for your home always. That car is "leaf" from NISSAN.

    2, Hydrogen fueled car
    Next, I will introduce about the hydrogen fueled car. Hydrogen fueled car is the car that used hydrogen for fuel. This technology create the energy, using the chemical reaction that react hydrogen and oxygen. This driving system is extreamly good for the earth. Because driving by this car discharge water and need to charge hydrogen. But this system is not popular now. And now HONDA mainly create this car "FCX CLARITY".

    3, Eco engine
    This system is called that MIVEC. MIVEC(Mitsubishi Innovative Valve timing Electronic Control system) is engine system that support your eco driving. This engine think about the best eco driving by itself. And this system is more popular than other eco driving system. So if  you want to buy the eco car, it is good that you buy the car carrying this engine. And other system is idoling stop system. Idoling stop engine is the eco engine that stops driving this engine when you stop in front of the signal. This system is as popular as MIVEC now.

     4, hybrid car
    Finally, I will introduce about the hybrid car. This car is used plurality energy. And this system is easy now.
This car is "Prius"

    Did you enjoyed my car blog  from last year to today? Did you know about cars from early to now? I'm glad if you are interested about cars more than before you read my blog. But I could not all of cars now and future. So I think it is good that you reserch about cars. See you !!


Monday, February 4, 2013


    Good morning!, Hello!, Good evening! everyone!! I'm writing about cars now. Do you know? If you didn't read this blog, please today blog. If you will enjoy by reading this blog, I will be happy!! Please read! So...Let's go!!
    I wrote about the danger and the problem of cars in last week. So we have to get the license to drive cars now. The examination and training for getting cars license is so vary in different countries.

    1. Japan
    In Japan, to get the license of cars, you usually have to undergo two examinations and some driving training and the class of safety driving.
    First, you have to attend some class about safety driving. And you have to undergo some training for driving cars. This training is carried out with the instructor in the school for getting license.
    Second, you have to take 1st examination. This test is written test. If you pass it, you can get the temporary driver's license. If you have this license, you can drive cars partly but this driving is limited by some restrictions. For example, you have to set sign that you are interim driver on your cars.
    Thirdly, you have to attend superior class and undergo superior training. This training and previous training differ in that the superior one is carried out in public road. So this training is more practical than the previous one.
    Finally, you have to do final examination. This examination is written test and driving test in public road. If you pass two examination, you can get the license.

    2. In other countries
    In America, the examination is difference in state. These is almost easily than Japanese one. And the people that don't have license can drive in some state, If he drive with the formal driver and he sets sign that I'm practicing now.
    In Mexico, there is license but there is not examination now. There was a examination in the past but many scandals is conducted so it is stopped.

    I introduced about normal license for all adults. But the kind of license is not only one. For example, Type 2 driver's license, Large-sized license and special-license.
    First. Type 2 driver's license
    This license is need to drive taxi, bus, hired car and acting car.
    Second. Large-sized license
    This license is need to drive large car. For example, Track, Dump car.
    Thirdly. special-license
    This license is need to drive special car. For example, Road roller and  The towed vehicles.

    We need special license with nornal license to drive special cars.

    What do you think about this my blog? Can you understand about driver's license? If you want to drive cars in the future, You absolutely need driver's license. This system need to avoid many accidents that I introduced in last week. Please remember it.
    So I will write and study about the main makers. I will introduced from major makers to minor makers. Please read it in next week, too.