Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Cars as Public Utility

    Good morning!, Hello!, Good evening! everyone!! I'm writing about cars now. Do you know? If you didn't read this blog, please today blog. If you will enjoy by reading this blog, I will be happy!! Please read! So...Let's go!!
     I wrote about the function of the car in last week. I think you can understand the useful of the car. So, I will write and study about cars as public utility today. ( fire engine, police car, ambulance)
    I introduced about only cars that use personally until last week. But the car is used not only personally but also in public. This way is so valuable. For exsample, passenger, rescue, construction and security.
    First, I will introduce about fire engine. Fire engine is used in the fire. This has some hose used for fire fighting and siren used for informing about fire to everyone and ladder used for climbing to high buildings. This body is red and so outstanding. And other fire engine  has water supply tank or tools used for destroying a drug or crane. Many fire engine is existed now, excepting it.

    Second, I will introduce about ambulance. An ambulance is a vehicle for transportation of sick or injured people to, from or between places of treatment for an illness or injury, and in some instances will also provide out of hospital medical care to the patient. An ambulance has siren used for inform about patient to everyone and some tools for taking medical care. And ambulance has white  and red body in Japan. But in other countries, an ambulance has yellow body.
    Third, I will introduce about Police Car. A police car is a ground vehicle used by police, to assist with their duties in patrolling and responding to incidents. The police car has siren used for inform accidents to everyone. And police car has two kinds. One is normal police car that has white and black body. The other is called investigating police car. It is normal car so we cannot evaluate it is police car. So this is used for penetrating investigation.
     Final, I will introduce about construction equipment. construction equipment is used for construction or foundation. This kind is so many. For exsample, Motorized excavator, crane car, dump track and bulldozer. Motorized excavator has excavator used for digging up ground. Crane car has big crane used for carring heavy baggage. Dump track has big carrier used for carring many cray, stone. Bulldozer has blade used for leveling ground, digging up ground and heapping up sand. These cars is so big and need special lisence to drive it.436
     What do you think for reading my blog? Can you understand cars as public utility? There is other vehicles around the world, so if you have interest about it, finding more about it is very good!
     And in next week, I will write about plobrems of cars. I wrote about advantage of cars until now, but I will write about disadvantage of cars in next week. Please read it, too. So   Good By!!

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